
DAVID CROWDER - COLLISION >August Garritano's Facebook profile

David Crowder-Saturday, Nobember 12-concert starts @ 7:30 p.m. in Grand Rapids, MI

For More Info. or ticket info check these out...

Heck Yea, I'll Be there!!!


First Day of School... >August Garritano's Facebook profile

Well, today was my first day of the 10th grade. It wasn't that bad. First block we got a project that is due next Tuesday.....oh boy, I think I forgot how school went. It was pretty much a boring day, because we just went over the Handbook and just talked about what was expected of us in each individual classroom......blah,blah,blah. Tomorrow will be the same. We won't get into starting back in the routine until Wed.


The above reads," Religion and Morality are indispensable supports to political prosperity".

WOW!, What a concept! Maybe if our "corrupted world of politics" would use this motto, we might have actual morals to live by.


One crappy day!!! >August Garritano's Facebook profile

This morning I woke up ready for that one call telling me I had been hired for the position I applied for at the theater...but it is now 7:41 and there has been no call. There is still hope for tomorrow though. Because I was anxious and very stressed about the call, I totally forgot about the Switchfoot concert that I was going to go to tonight with Lifeline.I had been waiting to go to this concert for months now. I had paid and everything.I was just lounging all day, except for the walk I took to relieve anxiety, waiting for the call. Just laying on the couch, maybe dozing off a little, the thought just popped into my head about the concert. I jumped up yelled at my mom, " what time is it?", in a frantic voice. She looked at the clock and said it was 4:08. (I was suppose to be at the church at 4:00). I freaked....I ran in my room and through on new clothes, and my mom called Corey. They had already left the church and needed to get going. I talked with him for a minute and I was very bummed, but got over it. I do hope they have a good time!!!!!

posted by August at 16.8.05 0 comments


every man, God's man >August Garritano's Facebook profile

When God sees a man loving the priorities and practices of a godless world while purporting to love Him, He sees an adulterouse affair and trampling of the love He has given to the relatiohnships. It's a temptation that's tough to resist. Our world constantly invites us to go with our feelings over our faith:

*quoted above from the book 'every man, God's man', written by Stephen Arterburn and Kenney Luck with Mike Yorkey. (WaterBrook Press)

All these distractions all around us, no wonder it is so hard to be a Godly man. But, we can't blame the world for us falling. We need to use all our strength to stand, (for what we believe in), and then keep standing,(for Christ).

posted by August at 15.8.05 0 comments


Leadership Summit 2005: Day 2 >August Garritano's Facebook profile

I honestly don't know how it when because I wasn't there today. Even though I was planning on it, last night I recieved a call from the Wonderland Cinema, in Niles for a Job Interview. I went today for the interview at it looked good. I will find out for sure if I got the job next Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm excited and if i don't get the job then I know it wasn't in God's plan for me.

I am attending the Leadership Summit tomorrow for the concluding sessions. I am pumped to hear Bill Hybels again, he is such a man of words.

For all you "audio-blog" fans, I will call in a post soon......

posted by August at 12.8.05 0 comments


LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2005: Day 1 >August Garritano's Facebook profile

this is an audio post - click to play

posted by August at 11.8.05 0 comments


Which one are YOU are falling for?

The Verdict:

Romans 12:21
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

Deuteronomy 4:31
"For the Lord your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your forfathers, which he confirmed by oath."

James 1:27
" Religion that God your Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in thier distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

posted by August at 8.8.05 0 comments


You may think I'm weird and you may think this dog is very ugly, but who cares. I have pretty much envied this dog since I saw it in a library book when I was about 4. I will have probably 3 or 4 or even more when I'm older. Our family will consist of My wife, my kids, myself and a couple of Afghan Hounds. To me there flipp'n sweet, but maybe I'm just a "Dog Freak".

posted by August at 5.8.05 1 comments

This is me,(LEFT), and Corey,(RIGHT), posing after a feast at Tacos Fede...This Guy is more than a pal, he's more than a friend, he's more than my "Big Brother".....He's more like my dad.

In the dictionary, the word Father means: male parent, a person who creates and or makes something, a priest... a person who cares for and loves his children. To me Corey meets about all of those for me. He is obviously a male,(if not, be scared!!!), he is a person who made me or created the REVOLUTION inside of me, he is my youth leader, and he cares for and loves me like i'm his. I am , I am one of his guys.

(Corey!, I stole your picture!!!!)

posted by August at 5.8.05 0 comments

Many of you know the secret behind this picture.....if not, well you will just have to wait and see what God has in store.

posted by August at 5.8.05 1 comments


FOOD FOR THOUGHT >August Garritano's Facebook profile

Why a model ' T '?

The road to success if paved with aspiration and littered with failure.

Thomas Edison failed more than 1,000 different times to light up the world before he got the first light bulb to work.

Henry Ford, the auto entrepreneur, made the Model T, the first mass-produced car, because he failed with Models A through S.

Think about it...

posted by August at 2.8.05 0 comments