
Feeling like Adam and Eve >August Garritano's Facebook profile

I feel a lot like Adam and Eve. I am doubting things God has already revealed to me in my life, and just want to know more. Just like Eve thought God was holding out on her. Some of you know that God had revealed to me something awesome while in Mexico ,(in a previous blog). I now sometimes doubt if I made it up on my own. I say to myself, " If God could just let me know for sure".
Then it can also go the other way. If you were to look at my whole life from beginning to end- it would be like a book with many chapters. God let me in on a future chapter of my life. He let me know what a future chapter will be. The problem is that I want to know what comes before that. Or how many chapters I am away from it. I was talking to Jim Sunday night after LIFELINE and we kind of figured out That it was like what happened in Genesis with Adam And Eve.


AcT on FAith alOne... >August Garritano's Facebook profile

I have noticed a lot in my walk with Christ that I have often doubted his word. I have often doubted his grace. I have often doubted his voice. I have often doubted his miracles. I have often doubted his power. I have often doubted his love. I have often doubted his leaders. I often doubt myself. I feel like a huge fake! I often don't feel God. I often don't listen to God. I often don't read his word. I have a deep wound not yet healed. I have a wound that needs to be treated. I have a wound deep inside my soul, holding me back from engaging fully into the fight. I actual have a few wounds that I have not addressed yet in my life. I have wounds that are weighing my heart down. John Eldridge says the wound(s) I have are caused by my father, but others contributed as well. I need to stop being two different people. I need to be that REVOLUTIONARY I so often claim to be. I need to take ALL my fig-leaves off a be fully exposed with my wounds. Lord, help me into my wounds. Help to find that person or persons that I can resort to in times of pain. I just need to come clean-completely. satan has had grip on me far too long now. Jesus Christ is my king and I need to take his word for it. I need not be isolated anymore. I am becoming free...slowly, but I am becoming free.


Men's Retreat 2005 >August Garritano's Facebook profile

2 fast 2 furious...
FAITH (in God), PASSION(to live), AND INTEGRITY(through Christ) are my three rocks. Whats yours? The basic, yet extreme ideas of last weekend were...Perspective,Priorities, and Passion. Passion equals perspective and business equals blurriness..... Dr. Bob knocked it out of the park with a little "righteous anger"..... from God. Then ... Saturday night at the LIFELINE bondfire...was...AWESOME!!! The Holy Spirit was on each and every one of us. WE connected in such a great way. That night helped me tremendously through recent struggles I was having. God is so great ! He opened my eyes, yet a little more to the larger story he has laid out on his canvas of vast array. Sometimes God just blows me away...He will just amaze me.

posted by August at 13.10.05 0 comments


2 FAST 2 FURIOUS >August Garritano's Facebook profile

I have never gone to a GCC men's retreat yet. I am pumped. I leave tomorrow night and will not return home till Sunday....pray for me.

posted by August at 7.10.05 1 comments


i am not, but i know I AM >August Garritano's Facebook profile

Recently i have given up the starring role in my life. i have giving it to I AM. He has opened my eyes to the bigger picture, but not all the way. i still need a lot of work. I AM is working pretty deep in me now.

posted by August at 6.10.05 3 comments