To the beach with the Mann's...
Today I went to Silver Beach, up in St. Joseph, MI. I rode up in the van with Corey, Debbie, and Chloe. We got to the beach and we realized on the way down to the water that Debbie packed the whole pantry. She brought all kinds of chips, sandwich stuff, pop, water. Later, we were glad because it got Hot and we were thirsty. I had the pleasure to have an interesting chat with Corey's mother. She's an interesting lady, that's all I will say....I love Corey too much.(she is a nice lady though). I had a sweet time with the Mann family @ the beach.
Friday night with the Guys...
Friday night Myself and eight other guys went to the church to our smallgroup with John keim.
We started out walking and talking about "vision". We walked out the back entrance of the church parking lot, and every few minutes Johnny would stop us and he would read a story from the book JESUS FREAKS.
(We then kept on walking and would randomly stop at places like the bank or the gas station to read another story).
We had stopped at a bank and a car drove in the parking lot with two college guys in it. As they sped by, they through PENNIES at us and yelled, "filthy b**ches". We all were shocked, but we all then knew " God was there". We later looked at the situation as we were being persecuted, because Satan was scared and still is of the awesome REVOLUTIONARIES that we are.
We started out walking and talking about "vision". We walked out the back entrance of the church parking lot, and every few minutes Johnny would stop us and he would read a story from the book JESUS FREAKS.
(We then kept on walking and would randomly stop at places like the bank or the gas station to read another story).
We had stopped at a bank and a car drove in the parking lot with two college guys in it. As they sped by, they through PENNIES at us and yelled, "filthy b**ches". We all were shocked, but we all then knew " God was there". We later looked at the situation as we were being persecuted, because Satan was scared and still is of the awesome REVOLUTIONARIES that we are.
God is amazing...
God is so awesome!!!
He has provided me with the funds to go to Tennessee and has provided over half the Mexico cost and I know by the grace of God, he will provide the rest. I have a part time job, my mom has a job that she is way too, overly qualified for. She has no choice though. She doesn't have her license, so she had to give up her job at the mortgage Company, and catch a ride with the neighbor who moved here from Texas(originally from Mexico, she can't speak English well). She works at a factory plant, packing Ford products. My mom doesn't get paid much, but again God provides us with enough to live. And still I manage to get to go to Tenn., Mexico, and am planning on volunteering at the ICC conference and am also planning on attending the 2005 Leadership Summit. Blessed be your name, Lord. Thank you for all you do for us. Bless YOU!
He has provided me with the funds to go to Tennessee and has provided over half the Mexico cost and I know by the grace of God, he will provide the rest. I have a part time job, my mom has a job that she is way too, overly qualified for. She has no choice though. She doesn't have her license, so she had to give up her job at the mortgage Company, and catch a ride with the neighbor who moved here from Texas(originally from Mexico, she can't speak English well). She works at a factory plant, packing Ford products. My mom doesn't get paid much, but again God provides us with enough to live. And still I manage to get to go to Tenn., Mexico, and am planning on volunteering at the ICC conference and am also planning on attending the 2005 Leadership Summit. Blessed be your name, Lord. Thank you for all you do for us. Bless YOU!