Feeling like Adam and Eve
I feel a lot like Adam and Eve. I am doubting things God has already revealed to me in my life, and just want to know more. Just like Eve thought God was holding out on her. Some of you know that God had revealed to me something awesome while in Mexico ,(in a previous blog). I now sometimes doubt if I made it up on my own. I say to myself, " If God could just let me know for sure".
Then it can also go the other way. If you were to look at my whole life from beginning to end- it would be like a book with many chapters. God let me in on a future chapter of my life. He let me know what a future chapter will be. The problem is that I want to know what comes before that. Or how many chapters I am away from it. I was talking to Jim Sunday night after LIFELINE and we kind of figured out That it was like what happened in Genesis with Adam And Eve.
Then it can also go the other way. If you were to look at my whole life from beginning to end- it would be like a book with many chapters. God let me in on a future chapter of my life. He let me know what a future chapter will be. The problem is that I want to know what comes before that. Or how many chapters I am away from it. I was talking to Jim Sunday night after LIFELINE and we kind of figured out That it was like what happened in Genesis with Adam And Eve.